Monday, April 2, 2012

Poor Teddy

I know this blog was supposed to be about healthy cooking and eating, but I still need to include my most favorite topic - my puppy, Teddy!

Today was a sad day for Teddy.  I dropped him off at the vet this morning to get neutered.  I feel very guilty about this.  I know I shouldn't; it's better for his health, most dogs do it, etc., but still, I left my little baby in someone else's care for 24 hours and they are going to operate on him!  My poor baby.  I think I had a harder time with leaving than he did - he just walked down the hall with the vet tech, his tail wagging.  I, on the other hand sat in the parking lot for a good 10 minutes debating calling in sick to work so that I could hang around the vets office until the surgery was done.  But, I was strong and drove away. 

When I get home tonight I think I'll boil up some organic, free-range (I did say I wanted everyone I love to eat a more healthy diet) chicken for him to have when he gets home tomorrow.

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